About Us

Opening of the 2023-2024 school year

We are waiting for you on September 11, 2023 at our headquarters in Busolei street no. 6, sector 2, to celebrate together the opening of the 2023-2024 school year, remember that we will start with classes 0-6 on September 11 and with classes 7 -11 on September 22, our school team as well as our P.G.R.A foundation, wish you a happy new school year!

About Us

We provide a safe environment that promotes learning, self-discipline and excellence in individual development.

Profesorii asistă elevii în învăţare pe tot parcursul şcolii, cultivând stima de sine şi respectul faţă de ceilalţi.

Our school is open to community dialogue and joins parents in educating students.

To develop we must clarify what is good, valuable and useful for everyone.

The team is flexible and willing to accept additional responsibilities in school and demonstrates personal initiative.

Noi avem o şcoală prietenoasă cu o echipă minunată de profesori, care învaţă elevi să fie respectuoşi şi să aibă o înaltă performanta academică cu succese şcolare mari precum şi cu experienţe bune de viaţă.

Access to the Electronic School Catalog

The implementation of the electronic school catalog represents an important step in the modernization and improvement of the education process. This online platform provides an efficient and transparent way to manage students' grades and absences, facilitating communication and active involvement of all parties involved in their education.

Here are some key reasons why we opted for the implementation of the electronic school catalog:

  1. Transparency and accessibility: The electronic school catalog allows easy access to your students' information. You can view your grades and absences in real time, anytime, anywhere with an internet connection. This aspect increases transparency and gives you a clear picture of your children's academic progress.
  2. Constant monitoring: Through the electronic school catalog, you have the possibility to constantly monitor the progress of your children. You can track their grades in different subjects, identify possible deficiencies or recognize their achievements and progress over time.
  3. Real-time accessibility: The electronic school catalog allows you to always be up to date with the latest information regarding assessments, assignments or school projects. This way, you can provide proper support and guidance to your children, encouraging them to develop their skills and achieve academic success.
  4. Administrative efficiency: The implementation of the electronic school catalog also brings benefits to teachers and school staff. This platform facilitates the process of recording grades and absences, reducing administrative tasks and providing more time for teaching and assessment activities.

Ne dorim ca această soluție tehnologică să sprijine dezvoltarea academică a copiilor dumneavoastră și să creeze o punte solidă de comunicare între toate părțile implicate în educația lor.

We encourage you to explore and use the electronic school catalog for the benefit of your children and to send us questions or suggestions about this platform. Our team is here to support you and create a thriving and effective learning environment together.
